Despite its popularity many still fret caring for these lovely plants since in many cases poinsettias die away within a few weeks of buying.

We will show you how to care for your plant so you can enjoy it for years to come.

Poinsettias today can be bought in different sizes and colors – ranging from different shades of red, through pink to white, from 10 cm mini plants to the meter tall “bushes”.

Let’s see what are the needs and wants of this special plant – so it can decorate your home during Christmas in its full glory.

Watering the poinsettia

Not watering the poinsettia correctly is the most wide spread mistake made by hobby gardeners.

If you, like many others bought the plant in a flower shop it’s very likely you received the advice to water it often.

But, as it happens overwatering and dehydration can both kill the plant.

Since the plant is in a peat-rich soil, in a warm room it dries out pretty fast – thus it is important to pay attention and rather water it often but with less water.

It is also important to note that if the pot is placed in a planter, the water might gather in the bottom of the planter, causing the plant to constantly stand in water and leading to its death.

Do water the plant often but with small amounts – avoiding both overwatering and dehydration.

If your poinsettia is in a planter, remove the pot before watering and return it only after it stopped leaking water.

The ideal temperature

The poinsettia unfortunately cannot handle overheated rooms. Above 18 degrees it dies in a week. Put the plant in a cooler room and make sure it is not next to a radiator.

The dry air is just as dangerous for your favorite plant. Use a sprayer to keep its leaves moist.

It is important to mention that poinsettias are also very sensitive to cold air – something to watch out for when airing the room in the winter or when moving the plant from the shop to the car. Make sure to take it out wrapped up appropriately. It only takes a few minutes for the plant to catch a cold – which in turn might mean the end of it.


The poinsettia likes well-lit places but doesn’t mind a partially shaded corner either. Beware though that in a dark room the plant’s leaves will stay pale and colorless.

Be careful! The poinsettia is poisonous!

The poinsettia belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceae. Its stalk and leaves contain a white poisonous liquid, that can trigger an allergic reaction when touching the skin. Internally it can cause poisoning. Be careful with your plant around little children and pets, and use protective gloves when repotting the flower.


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