Zanzibar Gem

The Zanzibar Gem has become a fan favorite among plant lovers. With its shiny, thick leaves it offers a pleasant site in any room. The Zanzibar Gem is perfect for the lazy gardener because it does well also in a partially shaded place, does well in room temperature and doesn’t need extra care. The only and most important thing to remember is not to overwater. During the winter it should get a bit of water only once in every two weeks – and that’s that.

Viper’s bowstring hemp

The Sansevieria trifasciata or Viper’s bowstring hemp is a real “vintage”, but it’s a must have for lazy gardeners. The bowstring hemp will survive even in a dark corner without a drop of water. It will thrive in a partially shaded room and you only need to water it once a month. Of course this lovely plant and its striped leaves do need light – if it doesn’t get its ideal amount of sunshine is that its striped leaves will turn green. 

Spineless yucca

The yucca is a guest that arrived to Europe from the desert – we have a little survivor on our hands. In its native land it can survive until up to 800 years. The gigantic yucca trees of the Americas withstand easily the extreme meteorological circumstances – the cold winters and the summer heat. In its endemic land yearly precipitation does not exceed 150-200 mm, so the plant learned to save up.

The yucca’s popularity can be attributed to the fact that it will make do even if it’s only watered once a month during the winter or every second week in the summer heat.

Az idei Föld Napját egy különleges ajánlattal ünnepeljük: bemutatjuk nektek a Föld Napja Viráglabdamixet, ami egy limitált szériás különlegesség! Mindössze 50 doboz áll rendelkezésre, hogy megoszthassuk veletek ezt az izgalmas lehetőséget.

Ez a viráglabdamix a természet szerelmeseinek és a kertészkedés rajongóinak készült, akik arra vágynak, hogy egy kis színt és életet csempésszenek környezetükbe, miközben támogatják a helyi ökoszisztémát.

A Föld napja viráglabda most akciós áron kapható, a készlet erejéig! Kattints ide!